
🔮 Ethereal Essence (Peculiar)

Category: Peculiar
Species: Kitbull

This trait is a WIP! While it is available for use, please be aware that designs submitted are more likely to be rejected if they use this trait due to lack of up to date reference material.

🌈 Can be added to any kitbull by using the Ethereal Essence item.

★ When editing a character with this trait:
✦ If the trait was applied using the item it cannot be swapped to another trait, it can only be edited to a different variant within the same trait (ex: changing the shape of the wisps if you have the wisp trait) and have it's coverage edited, or be removed. 
✦ If the design was created with this trait without use of an item it can be swapped to a different trait from the Ethereal Essence list using an Appearance Change.

★ Info
✦ Each trait from the list counts as 1 peculiar trait
✦ Use of the corresponding item only applies 1 trait from the list, to apply multiple traits it will require multiple uses of the item or access to multiple peculiar traits
✦ The "can combine with" section indicates traits that can be used to modify the appearance, such as allowing the trait to glow or float. If you have access to both traits you can use these hybrid features.
✦ Keep in mind when adding traits that change/replace parts of a design to a different material that using these features to add large amounts of new colors/markings added to the design may have the update turned down. 

★ Slime

Trait: Replaces one part of the kitbull's body with liquid, slime, ink, blood, or goo
Size: Coverage depends on replaced part chosen. 

🌀 REQUIRES: 411-image.pngWater Blood Shadow
Requirement depends on what type of elemental effect you want! Ex: if you want regular brightly colored slime or liquid it would be water, pure black ink is shadow, thick red blood is blood aspect.

✅ Application can be asymmetrical
✅ Each use of the item replaces ONE of the following features: Wing(s), Arm(s), Leg(s), Tail(s), Mane fur, Head hair, Eye(s), Ear(s), Horn(s), Head, main body/torso
✅ Does not have to encompass the entire part
✅ Can replace all features of a specific type with only one use of the trait (ie: replacing all wings with slime wings) OR just specific ones.
✅ The replacement material can be any color but should resemble the intended material/aspect
✅ Can be lightly translucent

❌ For multiple areas to be replaced the trait must be applied multiple times
❌ The part being replaced but still resemble what it is replacing. This would not turn a limb into a giant slime claw
❌ Does not add any features, only replaces the part

★ Spectral

Trait: Allows part of the kitbull be be transparent or semi-invisible
Size: See below!

🌀 REQUIRES: Illusion

✅ Each use of the item affects ONE of the following features: Wing(s), Arm(s)/leg(s), Tail(s), Mane fur, Head hair, Eye(s), Ear(s), Horn(s), Head, Ear(s), main body/torso
✅ Can also be applied like a marking (such as spots or stripes), in this case it can cover up to 50% of the total design. Markings should be dicernable and have at least somewhat solid edges
✅ If the kitbull also has skeletal this trait in the same area it can show the bone underneath

❌ Only makes the application area see-through and ghost-like
❌ Does not turn the affected areas into glass/a container
❌ Cannot make the kitbull or affected part entirely invisible

★ Skeletal

Trait: Replaces part of the kitbull's body with bone


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